
How to draw a piano keyboard
How to draw a piano keyboard

In fact, technically speaking there’s no limit to the number of notes that correspond to a given key on a piano. You’ll notice that each key has two different note names in the chart. If you only learn one thing about the piano key chart, make sure it’s this: The keys are not the notes (see Layout of Piano Keys). (Double sharps and double flats have been omitted, since the chart would otherwise get too confusing and do more harm than good.) If you’re just getting started, you might wish to start with the Piano Notes Chart… but be sure to return here!

how to draw a piano keyboard how to draw a piano keyboard

The chart includes naturals (C, D, E, F, G, A, B), flats and sharps. If you’re just learning to find notes on the piano keyboard, this basic piano key chart is designed for you.

How to draw a piano keyboard